One filter at a time
Our strategy is to develop a wide and strong network of partners to help bring clean water to those in need.
Become a clean water provider
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a project
Bring filters to people in need of clean water
Do you know anyone that needs access to clean water?
This is what the water looks like for some people. Women collects water from puddles on the ground, filled with bacterias and diseases.
With this small water filter, a family now has the possibility of drinking clean water for over 15 years.
We are a team of dreamers that has a passion for water and doing good stuff to society.
We are so thankful for our partners that helps us getting filters out where they needs to be.
100% of donations goes into buying water filters. By donating money you
are providing clean water to a family somewhere in the world.
Swish: 123-103 38 36
Bankgiro: 5697-2532
Do you know anyone that needs access to clean water or want to help
delivering the filters to people in need?
Please send us an email to